Wednesday, 16 January 2008

How would you feel!!!

How would you feel.

I’m standing in the queue to buy my weekly ticket on the station this morning.
The queue is long, everyone is impatient and it’s raining.
The fellow on the ticket window is the slowest moron in the world of ticket selling, each transaction takes at least 2 minutes for cash, 4 minutes for eftpos and forever if you are doing a credit. The more impatient the crowd, the slower he gets. Unfortunately, he either missed training one day or his one lonely little brain cell isn’t capable of working at more that a snail’s pace
I notice a woman flitting over to the Station Master’s window all the time, it looks like she is trying to push in and get a ticket before everyone else. She walks away then returns and speaks to the man in the window again, turns and walks away, 30 seconds….comes back pushes through to the window, speaks again, turns and walks away etc etc. She is quite agitated and gets more and more so each time she goes up there.
There is a bit of grumbling from the masses in line as she fronts up to the window for the 3rd or 4th time. This isn’t a crowd I would push in on, in fact it could be downright dangerous, we are all on edge, wet, hot and potentially late for work if there is a snag in proceedings. A few people are putting on their ‘I’ll fight ya’ faces as she turns to us all, puts her hands in the air and gives us the ‘I give up are you happy now signal’. We all relax (a bit) and the queue starts to move at the usual pace. (Think wet week)
The woman walks down to the far end of the platform and sits down on a seat.
About five minutes later, I’m almost to the window, one person away in fact when the phone rings. To everyone’s extreme annoyance the Station Master answers the phone.
I was just about to give this sloth a gob full about the importance of serving passengers who are waiting for a train to get into their jobs over some pensioner calling to see how far his $2.00 travel ticket will get him up the coast before he has to fork out money, when the SM hung up the phone and grabbed the microphone for the public address system and announced the following to the whole platform.
“this message is for the the lady in the white shirt and blue jumper who very urgently is wanting to go to the toilet, please come to the entrance to the ladies toilet and I will unlock the door, we have been able to turn the water back on and you may now use the toilet”

The whole platform cracks up as the poor thing walks up the platform to the ladies toilet and is ‘buzzed in’’. She is so red in the face I'm not sure she will ever get the stain out of her cheeks. I wonder how long she will have to wait in there before the whole lot of us are gone….at the rate of tickets being sold I’d reckon about 35 minutes.

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