Wednesday, 6 June 2007

Young love

Can you think of anything funnier than this.
In one of my previous entries I mentioned Halitosis Boy with the breath that would sink a battleship.
His latest victims were a young couple who only had eyes and lips for each other.
They were lip locked on a three seater, bodies pressed close, limbs entwined when Hally Boy saw the isle seat and threw his considerable weight backwards into it. The young loves were torn apart violently as the air in the seat was displaced by this massive force. They looked at their interrupter with distain and slowly turned their gaze back to each other, smiled slowly, puckered up and resumed 'pashing'.
Now as most of you devoties of the pash will know, there aint no breathing through your mouth. It's all nasal. Can you imagine how bad it would be to be in the warm snuggly smooching place with your beloved and cop a whiff of 'ol garbo breath. The bile rises in my throat just thinking of it. The girl broke first, she looked at the soles of her shoes then made her boyfriend check his. Then looked over the back of the seat to see if there was something on the floor, checked in front, really checked out her boyfriend by sniffing his hair and his shoulder....heeeeeeeee...
I could see some of my fellow travellers (fellow former victims) watching in amusement as the girl realised that it was coming from Hally Boy. The boyfriend turned his head to look just as the girl said "its coming from him" and copped it full in the face as the gates of hell opened and HB yawned.
A lady a few seats down lost it and started laughing. I was smiling like the village idiot and had to smother a chuckle as Hally Boy started to settle into a big long open mouthed sleep.
I guess one shouldn't laugh at others misfortunes, I certainly suffered when I sat next to him so I should be more sympathetic. Ah stuff it.
I'm sure that one day the young lovers will sit back a few seats and watch with glee as another poor sod is tortured by the slow suffocation that is the breath of Hally Boy.

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