Thursday, 21 July 2016


 Waiting for the lift this morning, I'm the only one here. A mid twenties girl walks up an positions herself right at the doors so she can get on first. I check behind me in case I missed seeing the multitudinous waiting crowd that would warrant this behaviour, not a soul in sight. By this time the lift has arrived, you guessed it, she dived straight in and stood in the doorway blocking me from getting in. The whole time she is buried in her phone so it took 3 or 4 seconds for her to realise that there was an incredulous and annoyed woman holding the doors open. She looked at me ( I'm sure she didn't even see me really) then started pushing the close door button. I stayed put and just pushed her (not hard) to move past then turned around and saw a man (who is on the train occasionally) about 30 meters away coming toward the lift. Aside from the two walking sticks he is also mentally challenged and can be a bit difficult if engaged. So, I moved In a little bit more so that I was behind the bitch and held the door open button. Do you know, that cow saw him coming and was hitting the door close button hard so he would miss the lift, didn't notice that I was on the other side holding it open. Heh heh. Anyway, this bloke needs a lot of room. He needs to turn around and uses his sticks as balance. He couldn't get past her and so she had to move to the back with me. So now he is blocking the doors .... I can see the city train approaching the other platform and so can the bitch. She is getting agitated as the lift moves up and when it stopped 'sticks' is trying to negotiate the door and keep his balance. He ever so slowly gets through the doors and I move in to hold them open for him but blocking her escape. Once the way is clear she bolts around me and takes off down the stairs. Sticks and I take our time (our train comes in about 5 minutes). We get down to platform 2 and who should be standing there waiting impatiently for the next city train? Yep, bitch missed her train.  That is a karma moment right there. Now I'm waiting to see if karma is going to ignore me because I was helping or get me back because I was hindering.

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