Saturday, 29 August 2009

No idea

An older couple are sitting opposite me eating cereal. Yes thats right, cereal.
Each of them have a Tupperware container wrapped in a clear plastic bag and they are shovelling wheatbix into their mouths with gusto. Milk is going every where and they are holding their containers up to their chins so it won't drip down on their clothing. Or maybe they are so mean that they don't want to spill a drop.
Both are dressed casually, with those big hiking boots and thick woolen socks. Their backpacks are sitting on the seat in front of them ( I had to do a double take here) with a teatowel draped over them, supporting two plastic plates with two pieces of wholemeal toast and jam on them. In front of the backpacks were two thermo mugs probably holding a nice hot portion of green tea. Too bad that the train was crowded and people had to stand, it's more important for a pair of retired walkers to sit down to a nice hearty breakfast and take up a couple of extra seats than it is for a full fare paying passenger to have a seat into work.
God forbid that they would have to put their toast on their laps or actually hold their cup.
Even more unbelievable, not one commuter said anything. Everyone was really cranky but no one asked them to move.
Lucky I had a seat or those backpacks would have been on the floor quicker than you could say " excuse me, I'd like to sit down please"

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